The Last Dance
Hey everyone, Danielle here. For those who don't know me, I'm the owner of Soap Distillery!
It's been a total of 6 amazing years since we first launched our Rainbow Bar Soap and I can't tell you enough how amazing this journey has been. The first time I made this soap was interesting: I had to plan out all the colors and time all the was challenging but the results were absolutely incredible to me. I made this gorgeous, adorable, prideful soap that ended up smelling a little like Fruit Loops...something that was a happy accident. Who knew that Lavender and Lemongrass would pay omage to a childhood cereal? lol I did NOT but again, I'm totaly cool with it. 👌🏽
The concept of this soap was always to show that, hey, it's a Rainbow so it's obvious that this soap is something special in that it DOES something special. Our 6 year partnership with The Broadway Youth Center has always been something super important for me to support because they do not just support the Queer community through healthcare, they support young people having a difficult time navigating their way through life. Struggling as a child, especially a Queer child that may not have familial support, is just not a great way to start your journey through life. They help, so we help them help. But, I've learned that as an ally with a larger platform than we had years ago, we could do more than just donate some money, although, that of course helps too!
Moving forward, this will be the LAST year of our Rainbow Bar Soap, but what does that mean for us as allies? Well, this year and the years to come, we want to use our platform not just to fundraise, but also to uplift and give a bigger voice to Queer artists, creators, and more organizations across the US! We need not just to help, but to also work more closely with this community that we support because June is MORE than just rainbows. People lost their lives to ensure the freedoms of those who came after them and I'd be remise to ignore that.
So this year, we want Rainbow to go out with a BANG. Last year, we raised a total of $2500.00, but I know we can do more. Let's work together to raise the most money we ever have before for the Broadway Youth Center, and let's make a real dent in the list of things these children and teens may need.

I'll leave you all with this: There are companies left and right running away from equality in the interest of profits. This ain't that. We want to do more, not less, so please reach out to me if you're interested in learning more about how we plan to be better allies. I am also 100% open to suggestions in reference to other organizations and Queer artist to work with down the line, so, hit up our contact form if you wanna drop me a line.
Ready to help? Place an order below, and as always, stay safe out there, friends!
Darnell Henderson said:
Your products are phenomenal and I appreciate that you support the queer community. Happy Pride 2023!!!