Smokeless incense returns

2024 times call for the return of Burn The Sage Bar Soap and Free Yo' Mind Body Oil. Clear your mind without the smoke.

class is in session:

what makes us different

Soap Distillery creates captivatingly aromatic body and home goods with a focus on responsibly made, regenerative packaging solutions. Our mission is to create a full routine fragrance experience that elevates your home’s atmosphere and enhances your daily rituals, all while being supported by circular packaging.

Our Three Pillars of Sustainability

image of crops growing in a field

Intentionally source ingredients and raw materials that are readily available. Rare, high cost materials are typically difficult, dangerous, or environmentally destructive to obtain

Use and support the use of sustainable packaging in every way possible while limiting plastic use, or avoiding it entirely

Display responsibility at the manufacturing level. We not only aim to reduce production waste, however, through better packaging and raw material sourcing, we don't force all of the waste reduction action into the hands of the consumer