Wow wow wow January really flew by; I can't believe it's not only February, but it's actually almost March. We've been busy behind the scenes in the soap studio but I’ll be honest here, there has been no shortage of worldly distractions so I’ve been finding myself much less productive as usual. But I’m also recognizing that now is not the time to give up because community is just about the only thing that many of us have left. 

There’s no time like the present to put focus on our local communities. The local shops within our communities provide so much more than just “stuff”. They provide a curated experience with intent to make you feel welcome and safe. They host community events that help connect us with other like minded people. They help us stay active and creative. They keep us and community members employed. And perhaps one of the most important things is that they often spend most of their dollars within the same community that they serve - this reinvestment helps our communities thrive. The only ones who have the power and willingness to do this is me, you, and the folks you know. It’s what we can control, and it’s up to us to do so.

And, allow me to be bold and state that I am increasingly frustrated with companies who are bowing out and pretending like everything is normal, because it’s not. But it is very possible to run a business with awareness and support for the same customers who support you, which is 100% my philosophy. Sustainability in itself is awareness of the world around you, so how could I call myself a sustainable business if I ignore the things that are making our world less sustainable?

It won’t be my waking message every day because my GAWD do I know that you’re looking to us for joy in fragrance (like citrus!), but just know that I’m with many of you. So my focus moving forward is to support your happiness, your comfort, and your safe space through fragrance.


Speaking of joy in fragrance, I’ve got a couple new products in store for this year starting with a new fragrance line launching soon. Don’t forget that March is Customer Appreciation Month and because I deeply appreciate all of you, I’ve got plans to make sure you feel it. We're also going to have a "make your own body oil" event so look out for that as well.

Along with that, our new rewards program is just about ready for pre-launch. It’s taken some time to get together because I’ve just not had the time to give it the focus that it needs, so I appreciate your patience. Like, I really really do. We do not live in a very patient society so it means quite a lot to have many of you just waiting for me to be ready. Between navigating new business terrain, having a much smaller team, losing my father, losing my pets, and trying to remain positive, I haven’t had much time for development of this program AND for the refill program. But it’s finally just about done and I can’t wait to share it with you 🙂

Lastly, I'd love to hear from you. If there is something you'd like to see that you haven't seen yet, something I was working on that received no follow up, or even a general performance review for me/us, drop a line because I'd love to hear from you. 

Thanks for reading ‘til the end,


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